Archived Press Releases

”OEM 기업들이 가치를 극대화할 수 있도록 콩가텍 제품과 솔루션 확대해 나갈 것”

혹독한 환경에서도 내충격 및 내진동 운영에 필요한 요건 완벽 충족

The target: holistic consolidation and digitization offerings

초저전력 엔벨로프 고성능 에지 AI 및 비전 프로세싱 지원

혹독한 외부 환경에 대해 입증된 내충격 및 내진동성 설계

Small form factor to complete high-performance ecosystem

맞춤형 설계 대비 초기 비용 절감 및 출시 속도 앞당겨

독일 기반 두 회사, 경쟁관계에도 캐리어보드 표준화를 위해 의기투합

비용 집약적인 기초작업 부담 줄이는 에지 컴퓨팅 선보여

국내 개발자들은 온라인 강의로도 수료 가능

차세대 고사양 임베디드 및 에지 컴퓨팅 설계자들의 모든 필요사항 지원

Deggendorf, Germany, 3 February, 2023 * * * We would like to inform you that Mr. Gerhard Edi, Managing Director and Chief Strategy Officer, is leaving the Management Board of the congatec group with…

2023 126– 임베디드 및 에지 컴퓨팅 기술 분야 선도 기업 콩가텍 코리아(가 13세대 인텔 코어 프로세서의 최고급 프로세서 기반의 새로운 COM-HPC 클라이언트 컴퓨터 온 모듈을 출시했다고 밝혔다. 이번 출시는 기 출시된 솔더링 적용 프로세서 탑재 고성능 COM-HPC 모듈의 포트폴리오를 확대한 것으로…

2023 1 4– 임베디드 및 에지 컴퓨팅 기술 분야 선도 기업 콩가텍 코리아(가 BGA 소켓이 탑재된 높은 수준의 성능을 자랑하는 13세대 인텔 코어 프로세서 기반의 COM-HPC 및 콤 익스프레스 컴퓨터 온 모듈을 출시했다고 밝혔다. 제품 수명 주기가 긴 이 최신 프로세서는 향상된 다양한 기능을 제공하며 이전…

핀아웃 및 풋프린트 기능 공식 승인

제품 설계의 대폭적인 성능 향상으로 제품이 공식 승인 규격에 부합하도록 지원

Healthcare and the cloud: secunet medical connect securely links medical devices and networks

보다 지속 가능하고 확장성이 뛰어난 COM-HPC 기반 시스템 설계를 위한 모듈식 고성능 Micro-ATX

다양한 비즈니스 도전과제와 기술적 변화 대처한 우수한 고객 지원 인정받아

2022 7 18– 임베디드 및 에지 컴퓨팅 기술 분야 선도 기업 콩가텍의 콤 익스프레스 모듈이 인텔 랩 차이나(Intel Labs China)의 HERO(Heterogeneous Extensible Robot Open) 플랫폼에 채택되어 효율적인 설계와 유연한 프로세서 확장성을 제공할 예정이라고 밝혔다.


인텔 렙 차이나의 자율 시스템 랩에서…

콤 익스프레스 컴퓨터 온 모듈 출시로 포트폴리오 확대

콩가텍, 인텔 제온 D-2700 프로세서 탑재

Value partnership for creating medical edge computing systems that meet patient, data, and cybersecurity requirements

프로젝트 카시니(Project Cassini) 검증 완료로 SystemReady IR 인증 획득

콩가텍, ‘스마트공장·자동화산업전’서 5G 협동로봇 및

자재 취급 시스템을 위한 컴퓨터 온 모듈 선보여


Embedded computing engines that put smart vehicle developers into the fast lane

First joint project: Edge computer for mobile intralogistics

Focus on OEM platforms for regulated industries

콩가텍, 인텔 제온 D 프로세서 탑재 최신형 서버 온 모듈 3종 출시

- PICMG 규격을 준수하는 에코시스템 구축으로 동급 최고의 설계 지원

202215– 임베디드 및 에지 컴퓨팅 기술 분야 선도 기업 콩가텍 코리아(대표 김윤선,가 12세대 인텔 코어 모바일 및 데스크탑 프로세서(코드명 앨더레이크)를 탑재한 COM-HPC와 콤 익스프레스 컴퓨터 온 모듈(COM, Computer on module) 10종을 출시했다고 밝혔다. 인텔 최신 고성능…

- 신임 CEO에 디르크 하프트 박사, CFO에 다니엘 위르겐 선임

- “임베디드 컴퓨팅 기술 분야 글로벌 리더로서 콩가텍의 입지를 높혀나갈 것”

- 제품 시연, 애플리케이션 사례 등 최신 기술에 대한 프레젠테이션 진행 - 채팅 기능을 통해 온라인 상담도 가능

- 사이버 보안 분야 실시간 운영체계 선두업체와의 파트너십으로 콩가텍 서비스 역량 확대

congatec introduces new platforms and design strategies for 5G connected mobile and stationary devices

Virtually latency free vision with up to 226.5 FPS

- i.MX 8M 플러스 탑재로 성능 향상… NXP i.MX 6 기반의 Qseven 모듈 업그레이드 가능

- 실시간 이더넷 통신 구현하는 개방형 표준 기반 TSN 에지 컴퓨팅 플랫폼 시연

- 인텔 10nm 슈퍼핀 공정 기술 기반으로 새로운 대역폭 기준 제시 - IoT 게이트웨이 및 에지 컴퓨팅 애플리케이션에 적합

- 솔더링 방식으로 RAM 탑재해 내진동 내충격 성능 구현

- -40°C~85°C의 온도에서도 운영… 이동형 및 고정형 기기에 적용

의료기기∙자동화∙모빌리티∙반도체 분야에서 임베디드 및 에지 컴퓨팅 기술로 시장 선도 - ‘독일 제품’의 입증된 품질과 현지 기술 지원 혜택 제공

임베디드 비전 및 AI를 위한 저전력 주력 제품

고사양COM-HPC부터 저전력 SMARC까지 아우르는 에지 컴퓨팅을 위한 확장된 온도 범위 플랫폼

congatec(콩가텍)이 소개한 새로운 촉각 인터넷 애플리케이션용 플랫폼

congatec(콩가텍)이 소개하는 새로운 COM-HPC 에코시스템

congatec(콩가텍)이 선보인 AMD Ryzen™ Embedded V2000 프로세서의 COM Express Compact

congatec(콩가텍), 솔루션 플랫폼 제품군을 러기드 포그 컴퓨팅 시장으로 확대

11세대 Intel 코어 프로세서를 탑재한 새로운 congatec(콩가텍) 모듈 야외 및 차량용 애플리케이션용

SCHURTER adds world-leading computer module vendor to its line card

Continuity in innovation for an ever-changing world

Intel Atom® x6000E Series 프로세서로 새로운 5개의 폼 팩터 출시

콩가텍이 인텔®의 11세대 Core™ 프로세서 출시에 맞춰 새로운 디자인 옵션 두 가지를 추가했습니다.

Leveraging synergies to increase customer benefits

크기가 최적화된 congatec(콩가텍) SMARC 2.1 캐리어 보드로 Intel Atom® 프로세서 기반의 모듈식 3.5인치 SBC 구현

West Pond는 고립된 노인을 지원하고 있습니다.

Dear Valued Customer,

As an immediate reaction to the current situation related to the spread of Covid-19 ("Corona Virus"), we decided to take the responsibility for our employees and…

임베디드 비전 및 엣지에 대한 고급 연결

MIPI 카메라 지원 - 애플리케이션 지원 및 온보드

congatec(콩가텍), 3.5인치 제품 범위를 NXP i.MX8 프로세서로 확장

congatec(콩가텍), 산업용 분야에 컴퓨팅 파워 손실 없는 기능 제공

congatec to focus on embedded edge computing at Embedded World

COM-HPC 핀 배치 승인 완료

Deggendorf, Germany, 24 September, 2019 * * *  congatec – a leading supplier of standardized and customized embedded computer boards and modules – has appointed Thomas Schultze as new member of the…

Maximum Performance for COM Express Type 7 Servers

놀라운 그래픽과 비전 – 뛰어난 경제성

A new rugged class of data processing engines for the digitization of the oil and gas industry

Next generation embedded vision computing in three different flavors at Japan IoT/M2M Expo

Everything you need to evaluate the new best in class NXP i.MX 8 QuadMax processors


congatec premieres with 40% performance boost

고품질 임베디드 보드의 상용 BGA 프로세서

• 새로운 애플리케이션 분야 공개

• 첫 시장 진출 전략 지원


시장보다 빠르게 성장하는 congatec(콩가텍)


시장보다 빠르게 성장하는 congatec(콩가텍)


시장보다 빠르게 성장하는 congatec(콩가텍)


시장보다 빠르게 성장하는 congatec(콩가텍)


congatec drives sales by broadening its market reach

New memory milestone for modules

More processing power for connected aircrafts, in-flight infotainment and augmented reality in aviation

2-4와트 애플리케이션의 새로운 벤치마킹

임베디드 컴퓨팅과 비전 기술의 융합

New cost efficient entry-level platform for high-end embedded computing

Record revenue and increasing investments in sales and technical services further propel growth

애플리케이션 친화적인 동급 최고의 ARM 프로세서

디지털 콕핏을 더욱 스마트하게 만들어 주는 SMARC

congatec, 대중교통 출입구의 스마트 비전 통합작업을 간소화하다


AMD Ryzen이 탑재된 새 프로세서, 경쟁사의 솔루션보다 최대 3배 뛰어난 GPU 성능 제공

congatec, 비용 효율적인 10GbE 엣지 서버 디자인 구현

IIoT의 선두에 있는 비디오 분석용으로 즉시 적용할 수 있는 번들

임베디드 마켓을 위한 실시간 하이퍼바이저

채택을 가속화하는 congatec

원포올(One for all): 모든 최첨단 애플리케이션에 맞는 임베디드 마더보드

A trustful team: congatec ETX/XTX modules and AMD Geode

congatec expands French sales partner network

congatec 모듈, 시장 선점 전략을 가속화

congatec presents virtualized fog server installation

10 GbE 대역폭의 신형 congatec Module 임베디드 엣지 컴퓨팅의 한계를 높이다

congatec begins the industrial market transition to 10 GbE bandwidth

congatec, 모듈 방식 마이크로 서버 디자인의 기반을 다지다

Hannover Declaration of close cooperation shows first results

congatec again pushes standardization to boost design efficiency

congatec의 Type 7 Sever-on-Module, PICMG 표준이 되

congatec, SMARC 2.0을 위한 인터페이스 설정 표준화

간편한 무선 센서 네트워크 통합 실현

congatec’s latest OS implementation further simplifies development of IoT-connected devices

Offers more than any credit card sized COM Express module before

congatec strives to become embedded go-to provider in France

Martin C. Frederiksen joins congatec as Sales Director for Northern Europe

30% more processing power and 45% more graphics performance in 100% industrial-grade congatec quality

Everything you need for the evaluation of SMARC 2.0 and the new Intel® Atom™ low power processors (Apollo Lake)

Brand new form factor with brand new low-power processors

congatec's new Server-on-Modules première 10 Gigabit Ethernet performance

Easily customizable for rapid field deployments

Yasuyuki Tanaka joins congatec as Country Manager Japan

SMARC 2.0: A complementary solution well positioned between Qseven and COM Express

congatec introduces new Server-on-Modules with high transcoding performance based on the latest Intel® Xeon® processors

congatec integrates today’s most cost efficient Intel® Celeron® processor with fast DDR4 SO-DIMM memory support

New congatec COM Express module with Intel® Xeon® processor and Intel® Iris™ Pro graphics

New conga-TR3 module based on AMD G-Series SOC offers up to 30% more graphics performance and fast DDR4 RAM

congatec appoints Technagon as sales technology partner

congatec fully supports the upcoming new SGET and PICMG Computer-on-Module specifications

congatec launches price-breaking boards and modules with the Intel® Atom™ x5-E8000 processor


congatec modules based on AMD Geode LX 800 processors now available at least until 2019

congatec appoints Fred Barden as Vice President, Worldwide Sales


congatec’s new COM Express modules deliver server-class embedded performance

Rich and vibrant SOC graphics, full HSA 2.0 support,

and even more performance starting at 12 watts

Enhanced computing and graphics performance for credit card sized computer modules

congatec accelerates ongoing miniaturization trend by offering µQseven modules with Freescale i.MX 6 processors

New performance levels for 15 watt class of fanless embedded systems achieved

The new premium class of low-power modules supports up to three displays and 4k


Graphics-rich low-power Mini-ITX boards with SoC integrated AMD Radeon graphics and configurable TDP for industrial-grade system designs

First congatec COM Express module to deliver server-grade performance for demanding graphics applications

Jason Carlson appointed CEO, with the support of Gerhard Edi as CTO, Josef Wenzl as CFO and Matthias Klein as COO

The conga-QA4 module offers lower power dissipation, provides more processing power and comes with the new integrated Intel® Gen 8 graphics

COMPUTEX, Taipei, 2 June 2015 * * *  congatec AG, a leading technology company for embedded computer modules, single board computers (SBCs) and embedded design and manufacturing (EDM) services, will…

Investment in new research & development facility and talent to help drive growth in Asia

Deggendorf, Germany, April 28th, 2015 * * * congatec AG, a leading technology company for embedded computer modules, single board computers and EDM services is pleased to announce that the conga-MA3…

congatec maintains its position as the number one vendor

for Computer-on-Modules in EMEA

Industrial single board computer based on Intel® Atom™ E3800 processor series (code named Bay Trail)


embedded world, Nuremberg, 24 February 2015   *  *  *   congatec AG, a leading technology company for embedded computer modules, single board computers and EDM services, has released a Qseven IoT kit…

Qseven, COM Express, XTX and ETX Computer-on-Modules with AMD Embedded G Series SoC now with 10 years long-term availability instead of 7 years

At this year's Embedded World, congatec will present a wide range of innovations in Hall 1, Stand 358. Next to the conga-TC97 COM Express board, the company will also show the new Mini-ITX board conga-IC97

Deggendorf, Germany, 5 January 2015   * * *  congatec AG, a leading technology company for embedded computer modules, single board computers and EDM services, is expanding its successful product range…

congatec evolves from start-up to EMEA market leader for Computer-on-Modules in just a decade

congatec to support customer development throughout the entire product life cycle with new EDM (Embedded Design & Manufacturing) services

Munich, electronica, November 11, 2014   * * *  congatec AG, a leading technology company for embedded computer modules, single board computers and EDM services, is expanding its successful product…

Munich, electronica, November 11, 2014   * * *  congatec AG, a leading technology company for embedded computer modules, single board computers and EDM services, is expanding its successful Qseven…

Munich, electronica, November 11, 2014   * * *  congatec AG, a leading technology company for embedded computer modules, single board computers and EDM services, is expanding its successful product…

Munich, electronica, November 11, 2014   * * *  congatec AG has entered into a distribution agreement with ies GmbH & Co. KG for the German speaking market. A specialist in intelligent embedded…

New conga-MA3E, based on Intel® Atom™ E3800 series, provides memory error correction feature ensuring maximum reliability

Deggendorf, Germany, October 07, 2014 * * * congatec AG, a leading technology and ODM company for embedded computer modules and single board computers, announces the appointment of Mr. Sajith Kandiyil…

Deggendorf, Germany, 1 September 2014 * * * congatec AG, a leading technology company for embedded computer modules, single board computers and ODM designs, announces the appointment of Neil Wood as…

Deggendorf, Germany, 25 August 2014 * * * congatec AG announces the appointment of Matthias Klein as Chief Operating Officer (COO) and member of the Executive Board.

Matthias Klein, who has worked as…

Deggendorf, Germany, 13 August 2014 * * * congatec AG, a leading technology and ODM company for embedded computer modules and single board computers, has entered into partnership with Eltech Ltd, a…

COMPUTEX, Taipei, Taiwan, 4 June 2014  * * *  congatec AG, a leading technology and ODM company for embedded computer modules and single board computers, announces that the conga-QA3 Qseven module…

conga-TS87 COM Express Type 6 basic module: Unprecedented vector processing, floating point and graphics performance with no increase in power draw

Based on 2nd generation AMD Embedded G Series SOC "Steppe Eagle" processors, congatec's latest Qseven and COM Express Computer-on-Modules boost performance per watt and lower power consumption

The new congatec office is located in the world’s business centre Shanghai

congatec enters industrial Mini-ITX market with motherboard based on AMD Embedded G-Series SOC platform

Deggendorf, Germany, 13 May 2014  * * *  congatec AG, a leading manufacturer of embedded computer modules, announces that the company is diversifying to ensure continued annual growth of more than 20%…

The no. 2 computer-on-module supplier worldwide now ranks no. 1 in EMEA according to IHS

The new Yocto project is establishing itself as the Embedded Linux Operating System and is now available on Qseven conga-QMX6

Embedded World, 25 February 2014 * * * congatec AG, a leading manufacturer of embedded computer modules, announces its first COM Express Mini Type 10 module with a size of 55 x 84 mm and based on the…

The conga-QG requires 33% less power than previous module with AMD G-Series and offers optimized graphics performance


"Take the most out of Computer-On-Modules" is the congatec motto at embedded world in Nuremberg (February 25th to 27th, 2014), to which we would like to invite you.

The registration for free…

New Regional Sales Manager to drive growth in Russia and CIS

The conga-QA3 provides twice the performance over its predecessor plus an optimized product lifespan thanks to development with ceramic condensators

Deggendorf, Germany, 8 October 2013  * * * congatec AG, a leading manufacturer of embedded computer modules, announces the release of the conga-TCA3 COM Express module. The conga-TCA3 is available in…

The low-cost COM Express Type 6 module conga-TS87/i3-4102E is scalable up to the quad-core Intel® Core™ i7

The congatec conga-TC87 COM Express compact module is equipped with the new embedded processors of the Intel® Core™ U-Series. Despite offering greater performance, the maximum thermal design power is only 15 watts.

Deggendorf, Germany, 1 August 2013 * * * congatec AG, a leading manufacturer of embedded computer modules, has entered into a partnership with MCTX Mobile & Embedded Computers GmbH effective 1st of…

congatec donates 52,000 Euro to the victims of the devastating floods to hit company HQ town

With sales of 60.6 million euros and 2.5 million euros in EBIT, congatec strengthens its position as the world’s number two player in Computer-on-Modules


conga-TS87 COM Express Type 6 basic module: Unprecedented vector processing, floating point and graphics performance with no increase in power draw

Full design-in includes Qseven Starter Kit, WEC7 software support, Linux BSP and tablet PC demonstrator

Deggendorf, Germany, 23 May 2013   * * *   congatec AG, a leading manufacturer of embedded computer modules, is partnering with Tritech Solutions AB in Sweden. Tritech is an expert in the development…

Based on the AMD Embedded G-Series SOC, the new conga-TCG combines compact design with improved graphics performance and power efficiency

embedded world, Nuremberg, 26 February 2013  * * *  congatec AG, a leading manufacturer of embedded computer modules, presents the Qseven Mobility Kit, a complete starter package for the rapid…

The Latest High-Performance, Low-Power Computer-On-Modules Enable Simpler, Faster and More Flexible Designs

embedded world, Nuremberg, 26 February 2013   * * *   congatec AG, a leading manufacturer of embedded computer modules, is partnering with Prevas to drive sales and innovation in Sweden, Norway and…

embedded world, Nuremberg, 26 February 2013 *** congatec AG, a leading manufacturer of embedded computer modules, announces a Windows® Embedded Compact 7 version of the conga-QMX6 Qseven module based…

Deggendorf, Germany, 20 February 2013 *** congatec AG, a leading manufacturer of embedded computer modules, introduces Intel® Celeron ® Dual-Core processors  with 3rd Generation Intel® Core™…

With 293 percent growth, congatec takes 22nd place in Deloitte Technology Fast 50 rankings for 2012

The COM Express reference board offers a quick route to customized video wall system development and speeds time-to-market

Type 2 or Type 6 Pin-out – congatec has the appropriate graphics options for either

Munich, electronica, 13. November 2012   * * *  congatec AG, a leading manufacturer of embedded computer modules, has entered into partnership with Adeneo Embedded to deliver ready-to-use board…

Munich, electronica, 13 November 2012  * * *  congatec AG, a leading manufacturer of embedded computer modules, announces a new Qseven Starter Kit providing developers with a complete package to…

Deggendorf, Germany, 6 November 2012  * * *  congatec AG, a leading manufacturer of embedded computer modules, has announced its cooperation with Ineltro Halmer Electronics GmbH, headquartered in…

San Diego, California – September 12, 2012 – congatec, Inc., a leading manufacturer of embedded computer modules announced today it has inked a distribution agreement with Avnet Embedded, a division…

Deggendorf, Germany, 10 September 2012  * * *  congatec AG, a leading manufacturer of embedded computer modules, is widening its sales presence in Australia and New Zealand with the opening of a new…

Deggendorf, Germany, 9 August 2012  * * * congatec AG, a leading manufacturer of embedded computer modules, officially opened a Japanese subsidiary in Tokyo on 1 July 2012. Eric Hsu has been appointed…

Increased computing performance with concurrent improvement in energy efficiency on pin-out Type 2 with PCI Express graphics (PEG) support

Deggendorf, Germany, July 2nd, 2012 *** congatec AG, a leading manufacturer of embedded computer modules, releases the conga-TS77 which supports the latest 3rd generation Intel® Core™ processor…

Statutes, objectives and regulations now available for download from SGET website

conga-TFS offers superb integrated graphics performance along with an excellent performance-per-watt ratio for demanding applications

conga-TM77: increased computing performance with improved energy efficiency

The conga-QMX6 runs on Freescale’s new i.MX6 ARM Cortex A9 processors; it’s trump cards include broad scalability, long-term availability, an extended temperature range and, above all, low power dissipation of less than 5W

Nuremberg, Embedded World, 28 February 2012  * * *  congatec AG, a leading manufacturer of embedded computer modules, announces a new cooling system based on cooling pipes which are integrated in…

The conga-TCA offers lower power consumption and significantly improved graphics performance

The new Standardization Group for Embedded Technologies (SGET) is on its way

Computer modules from congatec with AMD Fusion technology provide OpenCL support for ETX, XTX, COM Express and Qseven standards

conga-TS67 supports low-power Intel® processors including the Celeron® 807UE (1M Cache, 1.0 GHz) with just 10 Watt TDP

Growth of 1396% puts congatec in leading position in the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 2011

Cooperation with Freescale broadens future selection

of Computer-on- Modules

The new conga TM67 is based on the Type 6 Pin-out and supports the Intel® i7-2710QE Quad-core processor (2.1 GHz, 45W, PGA) and others

Nuremberg, SPS/IPC/Drives, 22 November 2011 * * *   congatec AG, a leading manufacturer of embedded computer modules, presents the conga-QMCB, a new mini carrier baseboard for space-critical…

New conga-QAF Qseven module steps to the top with its extremely high graphics and dual core performance for mobile applications

AMD Fusion architecture guarantees best price/performance ratio

Deggendorf / Germany, April 11, 2011   * * *   congatec AG announces a collaboration with Avnet Embedded to serve the industrial market in UK, Nordic and Baltic with congatec’s Computer-On-Modules.…

Combines AMD Fusion technology with ETX and XTX for a perfect

form-fit-function setup

conga-CA6 offers low power consumption with impressive graphics performance, even in the extended temperature range

Nuremberg, Embedded World, 02 March 2011   * * *   congatec AG, a leading manufacturer of embedded computer modules, introduces the new conga-MCB, a mini carrier board for COM Express Compact modules…

conga-BAF offers outstanding graphics performance with low power consumption

New conga-BM67 delivers with the Intel® CoreTM i7-2710QE processor (2.1 GHz, 45W, PGA), one of Intel's latest mobile quad-core processors supported for the embedded market

Embedded Building Blocks initiative facilitates embedded solutions for SMEs

Nuremberg, Germany, SPS/IPC/DRIVES, November 23, 2010   * * * congatec AG, a leading manufacturer of embedded computer modules, announces CAN (Controller Area Network) bus support on the conga-QA6…

Nuremberg, Germany, SPS/IPC/DRIVES, November 23, 2010   * * * congatec AG, a leading manufacturer of embedded computer modules, presents the first Qseven Starter Kit for automation. Low power…

New conga-BE57 (95 x 125 mm) provides memory error correction feature, which ensures maximum reliability

Munich, electronica, November 9, 2010   * * *   congatec AG, a leading manufacturer of embedded computer modules, announces support of up to three DisplayPort video interfaces for the current Type 2…

2010 sales increase by 86% compared to last year

Lars Hallberg has been appointed Territory Manager for the Nordic region

congatec expands its Qseven® portfolio with a new mobile module offering improved graphics performance and extended temperature range capabilities

18.9 Million Euros Revenue in the First Half of 2010

San Diego, California, and Toronto, Ontario August 23, 2010   * * *   Connect Tech and congatec announced today that Connect Tech has based the design of its latest PCI/104-Express Single Board…

Bob Pickles has been appointed Business Development Manager for the new UK office


The new conga-BS57 (95 x 125 mm) provides maximum computing power and graphics performance combined with lower power consumption

conga-CS45, conga-BS45 and conga-BM45 provide interchangeability and great scalability for all applications

Deggendorf, Germany, March 30th, 2010 * * *   congatec AG announces the appointment of Axel Petrak to the Executive Board where he will be representing Sales and Marketing with immediate effect.…

Deggendorf, January 26, 2010  * * *   congatec AG, a leading supplier of embedded computer modules, has announced that Christian Eder will be taking on the position of Sales Manager EMEA with…

New conga-BM57 delivers maximum computing performance paired with highest graphics speed from the integrated graphics controller

German manufacturer of COM Express, XTX, ETX and Qseven Computer-On-Modules was launched on the 1st of January, 2005

Nuremberg, Germany, SPS/IPC/Drives,  24 November 2009   * * *    congatec AG will be presenting a starter kit for APIX technology at SPS/IPC/Drives. APIX was originally developed for transferring…

Deggendorf, 18 November 2009   * * *   congatec AG, a leading provider of embedded computer modules, announces that the company has qualified itself for Premier Member status in the Intel® Channel…

Orders for current financial year up by 30 % compared to previous year

Deggendorf, Germany, 22 September 2009   * * *   congatec AG, a leading supplier of embedded computer modules, has appointed Axel Petrak as its new International Sales and Business Development…

Deggendorf, Germany, 23 July 2009  * * * congatec AG announces that Technofonds Bayern (The Bavarian Technology Fund) of Bayern Kapital GmbH (Bavaria Capital) intends to increase its holding in the …

Combining the Intel® Atom™ Processor N270 with the mobile Intel® 945GME Express chipset makes for powerful graphics performance

Deggendorf, May 29th, 2009   * * *   congatec AG, a leading provider of embedded computer modules, announced that the company has been elevated from Affiliate to Associate status in the Intel®…

The world’s best end-to-end manufacturing services provider has joined the Qseven standard thereby ensuring the long-term

availability of MXM connectors

Version 1.0 of the design specification has been completed under the auspices of congatec AG

Deggendorf, Germany, March 31, 2009   * * *   congatec AG, a leading supplier of embedded computer modules headquartered in Deggendorf, Germany, announces that the company will be further extending…

The new compact COM Express™ compatible module is specified for the full industrial temperature range.

Nuremberg, Embedded World, March 3rd, 2009   * * *   congatec AG presents the Qseven Mobility Starter Kit. A complete rapid prototyping package for battery-powered, embedded systems.

The compact size…

The starter kit consists of both hardware and software as a design basis for PLC manufacturers

Embedded specialist is confident for the future, despite economic crisis

congatec AG presents its fourth embedded computer module based on the low power consuming Intel® Atom™ processor family.

System solution hardware costs can be reduced by up to 50%


First product based on the new Qseven module standard addresses the portable device market

Munich, electronica, November 11, 2008   * * *  Applications based on the latest Intel® Atom™ processors offer high performance with minimal power consumption and are thus optimal for use on the go. …

Munich, electronica, 11 November 2008   * * *   congatec AG announces a collaboration with leading systems service provider TQ (TQ-Systems / TQ-Components). The new partner will immediately begin…

First product based on the new Qseven module standard addresses the portable device market

Awards for young and successful companies from the three-country region that includes Eastern Bavaria, Upper Austria and Southern Bohemia

Economically-Priced, Low-Power Compact Module Targeted At Full-Featured Mobile Applications


The Qseven™ Consortium reaches a total of 11 participating members


- 2007 sales revenue exceeded in the first half of 2008

- Sales revenue has increased by 162% in comparison to the previous year


conga-BM45: congatec's new COM Express modules utilizes the 45nm Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor T9400 with 6 MByte cache and up to 8 Gbyte DDR3 memory

The Qseven™ Consortium publishes the official release of the Qseven embedded computer module specification

The Qseven™ Consortium reaches a total of 10 participating members

Rapid Growth in Europe and Asia Brings the Embedded Computer Board Manufacturer to U.S.

Features the brand new Intel® Atom™ processor Z5xx series and the Intel® System Controller Hub US15W

Nuremberg, Embedded World, February 26, 2008   * * *  congatec AG, a leading innovator in embedded computing, has introduced conga-CMEN, the electronic industry’s first COM Express module based on…

Nuremberg, Embedded World, February 26, 2008 * * * congatec AG and SECO S.r.l., leaders in advanced embedded technologies, have jointly created a new form factor for embedded computing.

This new…

congatec AG has introduced a SMART Battery Manager Module to support its popular range of COM Express™ modules.

congatec cooling solutions simplify cooling for COM Express™, XTX™ and ETX®

Featuring onboard DRAM and PCI-to-ISA bridge: conga-ELXeco is the rugged replacement for ISA based ETX® solutions

conga-B915: Offering the best price/performance ratio for COM Express

An engineering head start is offered by the congatec COM Express™ starterkit

Data Modul has expanded its industrial product range to include Embedded Systems with an international cooperation agreement with congatec AG.

conga-E855 is based on Intel® 855GME chipset featuring low power Intel processors

congatec AG Marketing Manager elected to be Draft Editor; Subcommittee to draft new “COM Express Carrier Design Guide”

The COM Express™ PnP initiative is pleased to welcome AAEON Technology Inc. as its latest member.

conga-X965: High Performance Graphics based on Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor and the Intel® Mobile Express Chipset GM965


XTX carrier board with a rich set of features

The XTX Consortium is pleased to welcome AAEON and Fastwel as new participating members.

The new industrial computer for forklift and vehicle applications MPC 6 from DLoG features XTX embedded computer modules from congatec AG

conga-E855 is based on Intel® Pentium® M up to 1.8 GHz and supports the ISA bus

conga-X945/64: High Performance XTX Module based on Intel® Core® 2 Duo

conga-B945/64: High Performance COM Express Board with 64 Bit Dual Core Technology

conga-B945: High Performance COM Express Module with Intel Core Duo Technology and Dual Channel Memory Support

The XTX Consortium has released the XTX Specification Rev. 1.1

PLG AG is a new Solution Partner for congatec AG

conga-ELX is the ideal replacement for existing Geode-GX1 designs.

Advantech, Ampro and congatec, three leading embedded platform providers, announced today a new alliance to help promote the XTX standard for computer on modules.

An engineering head start is offered by the congatec XTX starterkit

As a result of its recent cooperative development agreement with congatec AG, SSV Embedded Systems is now offering custom development of the XTX module-based baseboards.

This year's embedded world exhibition marks the start of the cooperation of two industry specialists: SMA Technologie AG will provide custom baseboard solutions for congatec XTX modules. The advantages for the customer resulting from this close cooperation are obvious:

The customer will benefit from the know-how of two embedded computer technology specialists from one supplier, can always rely on solutions which integrate the latest technology and expect faster product development.

conga-X945: the first XTX module with dual core technology

congatec AG announces the conga-CLX, the first embedded computer module utilizing the miniaturized COM Express Compact standard

The conga-X915 supports all the features defined by the XTX standard

The Embedded Panel Interface EPI, an open standard, allows for easy and direct control of all flatpanel displays with maximum interchangeability.

Bosch Rexroth AG, congatec AG and two additional manufacturers of embedded computer modules have defined a miniaturized computer module based on the COM Express connector definition.

The conga-X845, the very first module based on the new XTX Standard, features the latest I/O interfaces and state of the art computing performance

The first public release of the XTX specification is now available.

Simulation of PCI Express signal path proves industrial usability of XTX

XTX consortium adds more members

Advantech, Evalue and MarekMicro

congatec AG is pleased to have aquired the services of Christian Schubert who is an experienced manager in the embedded computer industry.

American Megatrends will provide congatec AG, an embedded computer manufacturer, with AMIBIOS8 system software that will be integrated into all of its products

congatec's XTX™ extension boosts I/O performance to a factor of more than 10

conga-EVEGA is ETX® compatible and based on the STPC VEGA, with USB 2.0