Hypervisor technology

Consolidate multiple applications on one hardware platform

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Hypervisor basics

A hypervisor permits multiple operating systems to run concurrently on one multicore x86-based Computer-on-Module . The hypervisor partitions the available resources including CPU cores, graphics, memory, timers, and I/O devices like PCIe, USB, etc.

These resources are assigned as required to individual virtual machines (VMs). Each VM runs its own operating system. The VMs are completely isolated from each other, so one VM cannot compromise another.

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Typical use cases of hypervisor technology

  1. Consolidating the workloads of previously separated systems on one single system to save hardware, cost, and energy.
  2. Separating monolithic software applications into function blocks and running them exclusively in their own OS but still on one system, and
  3. Protecting valuable IP by running critical code on one secured VM and using others for open world communication and end-customer applications.




The benefits at a glance

Save cost

Consolidating the workloads of previously separated systems on one single system reduces hardware requirements, cabling, and complexity.

Improve reliability

Less systems means reduced points of failure leading to greater reliability, improved mean time between failures, and lower maintenance costs.

Stay ahead

Simply add leading-edge functionalities like AI or secure IoT connectivity by installing another virtual machine and leave your hardware platform unchanged.

Increase efficiency

Make full use of the available resources by running multiple operating systems and leave no core in idle mode to optimize performance per watt and battery runtime.

Streamline development

Separate monolithic software into dedicated function blocks to streamline development, certification, and roll-out without affecting the complete application.

Improve time-to-market and agility

Separating your applications into modular workloads helps to reduce overall complexity, enhance agility and gain important time-to-market advantages.




Our offerings


At congatec, the hypervisor is now standard in all our new x86-based Computer-on-Modules. With the free trial license, you can immediately start evaluating the advantages of virtualization. Check out our whole Hypervisor-on-Module product range.

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RTS Hypervisor

Additionally, we offer the industry leading RTS Hypervisor from Real-Time Systems as a stand-alone software for your applications, no matter if you are relying on congatec hardware or not.

See our product page




Want to learn more about hypervisor technology?

View our assets to learn more about the benefits of hypervisor technology

Hypervisor on Modules - Consolidate multiple applications on one hardware platform

Duration: 02:25 min

Discover how you can leverage our Hypervisor-on-Module for your applications. The Hypervisor-on-Module is an integral part of all our new x86-based Computer-on-Modules. It comes with a free trial license so you can start evaluating right away!




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