Ubuntu Pro

Ready for Complex Workloads: congatec aReady.COMs with Ubuntu Pro OS



Ubuntu Pro LTS at a glance

  • Enterprise-grade operating system
  • Designed for modern business needs
  • Robust security features
  • Long-term support and maintenance
  • Seamless integration with cloud and IoT
  • Ideal for embedded systems development

Your benefits when using aReady.COM with Ubuntu Pro

Reduced Time to Market

Customers can deploy their systems more quickly since the software is already installed and configured, speeding up the overall development cycle.

Simplified Setup

Pre-installed systems eliminate the need for customers to perform initial installations, reducing complexity and the risk of configuration errors. Systems can be better optimized for the specific hardware, leading to improved performance and stability.

congatec Support

Customers can rely on support from congatec for both hardware and software issues, simplifying troubleshooting and maintenance.

Lower Total Cost of Ownership

Pre-installation can reduce the overall cost of ownership by minimizing setup time, training needs, and potential support costs.

Security Patches

Canonical is implementing ~ 1.000 CVE (Common Vulnerability and Exposures) fixes per year


Our customers can rely on 10 years security maintenance performed by Canonical → CRA Compliant

FIPS certified

Ubuntu Pro offers FIPS-certified (Federal Information Processing Standards) security libraries


AppArmor is an easy-to-use Linux Security Module implementation that restricts applications capabilities and permissions



Ubuntu Certified Hardware

Canonical offers to certify hardware for the usage of Ubuntu software.

→ Certified Devices are tested every 2 weeks against new Ubuntu updates

congatec modules will be Ubuntu certified as a standard offering.

In addition to this we offer the certification of the customer system!

(congatec module + customer carrier)




Why Ubuntu Pro?


Ubuntu Pro*

Security Maintenance for over 2.300+ packages in Ubuntu Main repository

Canonical: 10 years

Security Maintenance for over 28.000+ packages in Ubuntu Universe repository

Canonical: 10 years

Real Time Kernel

NIST-certified FIPS crypto-modules and CIS hardening

Ubuntu right to pre-install and redistribute

OTA updates

Livepatch for instant kernel security and higher uptimes

*Ubuntu Pro provides security patches for popular applications and toolchains such as ROS, Ansible, Apache Tomcat, Apache Zookeeper, Docker, Pearl, Nagios, Node.js, Puppet, PowerDNS, Python 2, Redis, Rust, WordPress, and many more.



Product Variants

Ubuntu Desktop

  • Development environment
  • Image updated through package manager
  • Image Size 1.5 GB

Min. Requrements

  • 4 GB RAM
  • 25 GB Storage
  • 2 GHz CPU



Ubuntu Server

  • Server CLI system
  • Image updated through package manager
  • 829 MB

Min. Requrements

  • 1 GB RAM
  • 2.5 GB Storage
  • 2 GHz CPU