congatec ecosystem for TSN networked real-time factories and critical infrastructures
Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) technology is paving the way for connected real-time applications, and will also impact established proprietary Industrial Ethernet installations. It represents a very important building block to connect the brownfield and real-time clouds to orchestrate all the time critical applications that demand deterministic and secure data processing. Target applications of the new TSN enabled ecosystem include industrial manufacturing, healthcare, energy and utilities, transportation and logistics, aerospace, government, and public safety.
congatec’s TSN enabled edge computing ecosystem spans the entire range of latest Computer-on-Modules supporting even real-time enabled 5G cellular connectivity for real-time 5G clients and gateways, as well as server-grade real-time cloud and base station Server-on-Modules down to low-power boards and modules for appliances installed in the rugged brownfield. All platforms are TSN enabled, support Real-Time Hypervisor technology and are prepared to host any third-party real-time enabled cellular 5G connectivity.
Our most recent products for TSN enabled designs:
For highly powerful rugged edge server designs with 5G connectivity:
For 5G real-time clients and gateways:
For TSN enabled endpoints and appliances in the rugged brownfield
Learn more about Time Sensitive Networking and download our whitepapers

The significance of real-time Ethernet networks for the IIoT
With the emergence of 5G technologies and the arrival of 10+ GbE networks in the industrial sector, real-time processing leveraging time-sensitive networking in tactile Internet environments is becoming an important new application area. What are the requirements for TSN-enabled edge computers?

Webinar: Real-time Computing & Communication with Latest Generation COMs
congatec's computer-on-module solutions are embedded PCs that deliver reliable, flexible performance optimized for real-time applications. Find out how this can support a broad range of use cases across verticals like manufacturing, retail and more.