conga-CEVAL (EOL) Vorschaubild
  • conga-CEVAL (EOL) Bild 1

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conga-CEVAL (EOL) Bild

conga-CEVAL (EOL)

Evaluation Carrier Board for COM Express® modules based on Type 2 pinout definition

Ausgewählte Modulvariante

    Ausgewählte Ecosystem Parts


      conga-CEVAL (EOL)

      Evaluation Carrier Board for COM Express® modules based on Type 2 pinout definition

      • COM Express Type 2
        Evaluation Carrier Board
      • Schematics available
      • Reference Carrier Board


      To achieve a quick start with COM Express® congatec offers an evaluation carrier board, which routes all the COM Express® signals to standardinterface connectors. Supports COM Express® Compact and Basic modules using connector Pinout Type 2.

      • Size: 294 x 244 mm²
      • 4x1 PCI Express, 1xExpress Card, 1x 16 PCI Express Graphics (PEG), 1x Mini PCI
      • Express Card, 4x 32bit PCI
      • Gigabit Ethernet
      • 6x USB
      • HDA connector
      • 4x SATA, 1x PATA
      • 2x COM, 1x LPT, 1x Floppy, PS2 kbd./mouse
      • PCI display
      • System speaker, Power button, Reset button, CMOS Battery
      • CRT connector, LVDS interface
      • ATX connector,12V/GND banana jacks
      • Temperature: Operation: 0° to 60°C Storage-20° to + 80°C
      • Humity: Operation: 10% to 90% Storage: 5% to 95%


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      Data Sheet



      Windows 2000
      23.09.2008 / 1.15 MB
      Via AC97 Audio Driver for VT1616 codec (located on conga-CEVAL)
      16.11.2007 / 13.82 MB
      Sound driver for conga-HDA addon base board (used along with conga-CEVAL), VIA HD Audio Codecs Rev. 3.40.

      Windows 7

      High Definition Audio Codec driver for Realtek chips. For Windows 7/8 32Bit Rev. 2.70.
      High Definition Audio Codec driver for Realtek chips. For Windows 7/8 64Bit Rev. 2.70.

      Windows 8

      High Definition Audio Codec driver for Realtek chips. For Windows 7/8 32Bit Rev. 2.70.
      High Definition Audio Codec driver for Realtek chips. For Windows 7/8 64Bit Rev. 2.70.

      Windows XP
      23.09.2008 / 1.15 MB
      Via AC97 Audio Driver for VT1616 codec (located on conga-CEVAL)
      16.11.2007 / 13.82 MB
      Sound driver for conga-HDA addon base board (used along with conga-CEVAL), VIA HD Audio Codecs Rev. 3.40.
      28.09.2012 / 31.31 MB
      Realtek High Definition Audio Driver for Windows XP Rev. 2.70

      Ecosystem Details


      conga-CEVAL (P/N 065749)

      Evaluationbaseboard for COM-Express modules.


      Mehr über conga-Cdebug (EOL)

      conga-Cdebug (EOL)

      COM Express® Debug Platform for Type 2 Modules and Carrier Boards

      Mehr über conga-FPA2 (EOL)

      conga-FPA2 (EOL)

      Universal Flat Panel Adapter Board

      Mehr über conga-LDVI


      DVI Converter Module for LVDS