How to design robotic brains
The economic value of the industrial robotics market is growing rapidly and is expected to reach $US 214.60 billion, with a 22.80% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) by 2030. This will be driven, in part, by the integration of new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), which is expected to contribute $US 44.5 billion to this figure.

Adapting industrial edge servers to evolving markets
Data processing is surging in sectors like manufacturing, energy, and smart cities, creating a booming market for edge servers. According to Global Market Insights, this will create a $29 billion opportunity for near- and far-edge computing solutions by 2025

解决方案简介: 面向医疗应用的COM-HPC
德国康佳特 (congatec) 的 COM-HPC 模块为人工智能、图形和其他数据密集型应用提供其所需的设计灵活性和高性能,从而推动医疗系统的现代化发展。
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对于AI加速系统来说,不管是应用在自动驾驶汽车、监控摄像头或协作机器人,其集成的嵌入式 视觉功能堪称是它们成功运行的关键。预配置的嵌入式视觉构件让开发者能够更轻松、更快速地 创建 制解决方案。现在,康佳特与Basler就携手推出了这样的构件平台,它基于NXP i.MX 8 Plus处理器及其强大的集成式神经处理单元(NPU)。

康佳特conga-TS570 COM Express Type 6和conga-HPC/cTLH COM-HPC Client模块基于第11代英特尔®酷睿™处理器,为新时代的边缘计算应用提供近乎实时的性能、可拓展性、安全性和容错性

Maximum performance for COM Express Type 7 servers
Embedded edge servers and microservers need high performance. Anyone wanting to develop such high-performance systems scalably with server-on-modules for harsh environments needs an ecosystem based on COM Express Type 7 with fanless support for TDPs of up to 100 W
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COM Express Type 6 and COM-HPC Client
It’s a new era for high-end embedded processors that are now available on two COM form factors: The brand-new COM-HPC® Client and COM Express® Type 6. With the emergence of the 11th Gen Intel® Core® processor generation (codenamed Tiger Lake), developers now have the ability to choose the most appropriate form factor that best suits their project requirements.
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SMARC modules with NXP i.MX 8M Plus Processor
congatec is expanding its SMARC platform with a new module with an NXP i.MX 8M Plus processor especially for embedded AI applications. Thanks to the extensive ecosystem with application-ready 3.5-inch carrier board, Basler cameras, and AI software stack, fast proof of concept is possible.

3D机器视觉虽然不是最简单的识别技术,但由于它最接近人眼,因此3D视觉应用广泛,并 越来越多地与机器学习一起使用。目前正在利用3D视觉为工业4.0应用,创造全新解决方案 的工业制造大型应用领域包括视觉引导机器人(VGR)和自动导引车(AGV)。康佳特推出的新 型COM-HPC模块可大幅提升性能并推动这两个领域的硬件整合趋势。

Embedded server modules for edge data centers
The growing need to lower latency and reduce energy-hungry data traffic over long distances is leading to rapidly rising deployment of server technology and data centers at the edge. Server-on-Modules based on the COM-HPC and COM Express standards offer a highly efficient design basis for this.

The significance of real-time Ethernet networks for the IIoT
With the emergence of 5G technologies and the arrival of 10+ GbE networks in the industrial sector, real-time processing leveraging time-sensitive networking in tactile Internet environments is becoming an important new application area. What are the requirements for TSN-enabled edge computers?

Performance boost for harsh environments
Server processors are getting more and more energy efficient. Embedded application developers use them to boost performance, which also opens up completely new application fields for them. congatec supports such OEM designs with application-ready COM Express Type 7 modules and platforms.

Computing Core Standard for Mobility IT
In the past, electronic components were tailored to specific automotive platforms in order to reduce costs in series production. But in the cockpits of tomorrow, the days of proprietary controller platforms for dedicated functions are over; the future lies in clustering individual mobility functions by using universally applicable computing cores.