Shanghai, China, 5 January 2022 * * * 全球领先的嵌入式模块和边缘计算技术供应商德国康佳特(congatec),重磅推出10款基于第12代英特尔酷睿移动端与台式机处理器(代号为Alder Lake) 的全新COM-HPC 和COM Express计算机模块。采用英特尔最新的高性能内核,全新COM-HPC (尺寸 A和C) 以及COM Express Type 6模块大幅提升並改进了嵌入式和边缘计算系统的性能。最引人注目的是采用英特尔创新的高性能混合架构,在BGA封装规格版本上可提供多达14核/20线程,在台式机版本(LGA封装规格) 上可提供16核/24线程,为下一代物联网和边缘应用程序提供了多任务处理和可扩展性,性能大幅跃进。[1] 受益于多达6或8个(BGA/LGA) 优化性能内核(P 内核) 與多达8个低功耗效率内核 (E内核) 和DDR5内存支持,能加速多线程应用程序并更高效地执行后台任务。
此外,与第11代英特尔酷睿处理器相比,第12代移动端BGA處理器集成多达96个英特尔锐炬 Xe GPU执行单元,预计可提升高达129%[2] 的图形性能,可为用户提供沉浸式体验,且更快速处理并行工作负载,如人工智能 (AI) 算法。
为达到最高的嵌入式客户使用性能,基于LGA处理器的模块图形性能提高了94%,其图像分类推理性能几乎翻了三倍,吞吐量提高了181%。[3] 此外,这些模块还提供了高带宽高速率总线直接和GPU进行通讯,以获得最大的图形和基于GPGPU的AI性能。与BGA版本相比,这些模块和其他外围设备之间能提供双倍的通道速度,得益于超快速PCIe 5.0接口技术,也可从处理器引出PCIe 4.0通道。此外,台式机芯片组最多可提供8x PCIe 3.0通道以实现额外的连接,而移动BGA版本可直接从CPU引出16x PCIe 4.0通道,从芯片引出8x PCIe 3.0通道。
“Intel Thread Director充分利用英特尔创新的性能混合架构,将强大的P核性能与节能的E核结合起来,将每个工作任务分配给合适的内核,以获得最佳性能。选定的处理器也适用于英特尔® TCC 和时间敏感网络(TSN) 的硬实时应用程序。它们可完全支持Real-Time Systems的虚拟机监视器(Hypervisor)技术,这是一个在单个边缘平台上整合多种不同工作任务的理想平台。由于这同样适用于低功耗和高性能场景,因此通过此小生态足迹可实现高度可持续性设计。” 康佳特营销总监Christian Eder解释道。
除了最高的带宽和性能外,新的旗舰COM-HPC客户端(Client)和COM Express Type 6模块还配备了支持Windows ML、英特尔® Distribution of OpenVINO™ 工具套件和Chrome Cross ML的专用人工智能引擎。不同的人工智能工作任务可无缝地委托给P核(P-cores) 和E核(E-cores),以及GPU执行单元,用来处理最密集的边缘AI工作任务。内置的英特尔® 深度学习加速技术通过失量神经网络指令(VNNI)利用不同的内核,且集成图形处理器支持人工智能加速的DP4a GPU指令,甚至可以扩展到专用GPU。此外,英特尔的最低功耗内置人工智能加速器英特尔® Gaussian & Neural accelerator 3.0 (英特尔® GNA ) 支持动态噪声抵消和语音识别,甚至可以在处理器处于低功耗状态时运行,用于语音唤醒命令。
将这些功能与对Real-Time System的虚拟机监控技术的支持,以及对实时Linux和Wind River VxWorks的操作系统支持相结合,使这些模块成为一个真正全面的生态系统方案,以促进和加速边缘计算应用程序的开发。
基于第12代英特尔酷睿移动处端理器的conga-TC670 COM Express Type 6 Compact模块(95 mm x 95 mm) 和conga HPC/cALP COM-HPC客户端尺寸A模块(120 mm x 95 mm) 将提供以下配置:
Processor | Cores/ (P + E) | P-cores Freq. [GHz] | E-cores Freq. [GHz] | Threads | GPU Compute Units | CPU Base Power [W] |
Intel Core i7 12800HE | 14 (6+8) | 2.4 / 4.6 | 1.8 / 3.5 | 20 | 96 | 45 |
Intel Core i5 12600HE | 12 (4+8) | 2.5 / 4.5 | 1.8 / 3.3 | 16 | 80 | 45 |
Intel Core i3 12300HE | 8 (4+4) | 1.9 / 4.3 | 1.5 / 3.3 | 12 | 48 | 45 |
基于第12代英特尔酷睿台式机处理器的conga HPC/cALS COM-HPC客户端 尺寸 C模块(120 mm x 160 mm) 将提供以下配置:
Processor | Cores/ (P + E) | P-cores Freq. [GHz] | E-cores Freq. [GHz] | Threads | GPU Compute Units | CPU Base Power [W] |
Intel Core i9 12900E | 16 (8+8) | 2.3 / 5.0 | 1.7 / 3.8 | 24 | 32 | 65 |
Intel Core i7 12700E | 12 (8+4) | 2.1 / 4.8 | 1.6 / 3.6 | 20 | 32 | 65 |
Intel Core i5 12500E | 6 (6+0) | 2.9 / 4.5 | - / - | 12 | 32 | 65 |
Intel Core i3 12100E | 4 (4+0) | 3.2 / 4.2 | - / - | 8 | 24 | 60 |
所有这些模块都附带了针对所有领先RTOS的全面板级支持包,包括来自Real-Time System以及Linux、Windows和Android的虚拟机监控程序支持。
conga-HPC/cALS COM-HPC 客户端 尺寸 C 模块详情, 请拜访:
conga-HPC/cALP COM-HPC 客户端 尺寸 A 模块详情, 请拜访:
conga-TC670 COM Express Type 6 Compact 模块详情, 请拜访:
[1] Previus congatec COM Express Type 6 and COM-HPC Client size A modules with 11th Gen Intel Core and Xeon processors featured up to 8 cores.
[2] Source: Measurements by Intel as of November 2021. Single-threaded performance measured with SPECrate2017_int_base (1-copy)IC19_0u4. Multithreaded performance measured with SPECrate2017_int_base (n-copy)IC19_0u4. Graphics performance measured with 3DMark Ver. 2.11.6846, Fire Strike graphics score. GPU image classification inference performance measured with MLPerf TM v1.1 OpenVINO v2021.4.1,
resnet50: Offline, int8, GPU. MLPerf™ Inference Edge v1.1 Inference ResNet-v1.5; Result not verified by the MLCommons™ Association. The MLPerf name and logo are trademarks of MLCommons Association in the United States and other countries. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use strictly prohibited. See for more information.10th Gen Intel® Core™ processors are the previous generation in this series for IoT. Configuration 1: Processor: Intel® Core™ i9-12900E PL1=65W TDP, 16(8+8)C, 24T, Turbo up to 5.0GHz. Graphics: Intel® UHD Graphics 770 driven by X e Architecture. Memory: 32GB DDR5-4800.
Storage: Intel® SSDPEKNW010T8 (1024 GB, PCI-E 3.0 x4). OS: Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 21H2.Bios: ADLSFWI1.R00.2355.B00.2108270706 (08/27/2021). CPUz Microcode: 0xD. Configuration 2: Processor:
Intel® Core™ i9-10900E PL1=65W TDP, 10C, 20T, Turbo up to 5.2GHz. Graphics: Intel® UHD Graphics 630. Memory: 32GB DDR4-2933. Storage: Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 1TB. OS: Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC
21H2. Bios: AMI UEFI (03/23/2021) CPUz Microcode: 0xCA.
[3] Source: Intel Core i7-12800HE scores are estimated by Intel as of November 2021. Pre-silicon estimates are subject to +/- 7 percent error. Intel® Core™ i7-11850HE scores are measured by Intel as of November 2021. Single-threaded performance measured with SPECrate2017_int_base (1-copy)IC19_0u4 (est). Multithreaded performance measured with SPECrate2017_int_base (n-copy)IC19_0u4 (est). Graphics performance measured with 3DMark Fire Strike graphics score. Configuration 1: Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-12800HE, PL1=45W, (6C+8c) 14C, 20T, Turbo up to 4.6GHz. Graphics: Intel® Iris® Xe Graphics Architecture with up to 96 EUs. Memory: DDR5-4800 2x32GB. Storage: Samsung 970 Evo Plus (CPU attached). OS: Windows* 10 20H2, Windows Defender OFF, Virtual Based Security OFF. Configuration 2: Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-11850HE (TGL-H), PL1=45W TDP, 8C16T, Turbo up to 4.7GHz. Graphics: Intel® Xe Graphics Architecture with up to 32 EUs. Memory: DDR4-3200 2x32GB. Storage: Intel® SSDSC2KW512GB (512 GB, SATA-III). Platform/ motherboard: Intel internal reference platform. OS: Windows 10 Pro 21H1, Windows Defender OFF, Virtual Based Security OFF. Bios: TGLSFWI1.R00.4151.A01.2104060640 (Release date: 04/06/2021).CPUz Microcode: 28h