Archived Press Releases

康佳特扩展基于第12代英特尔酷睿处理器的COM-HPC和COM Express计算机模块 新增七款更高能效的新处理器

康佳特推出五款新COM-HPC Server Size D模块,搭载遵循“紧凑高效”理念的英特尔至强D-2700处理器

Value partnership for creating medical edge computing systems that meet patient, data, and cybersecurity requirements

Arm Project Cassini完成:采用NXP i.MX 8M Plus处理器的康佳特模块已获得Arm SystemReady IR认证

congatec introduces Computer-on-Modules for collaborative 5G robots and material handling systems at Smart Factory & Automation World

Embedded computing engines that put smart vehicle developers into the fast lane

First joint project: Edge computer for mobile intralogistics

Focus on OEM platforms for regulated industries


德克 哈夫特 (Dirk Haft)博士担任新CEO, 丹尼尔·尤尔根斯 (Daniel Jürgens)担任新CFO


congatec introduces new platforms and design strategies for 5G connected mobile and stationary devices